Our team designs, constructs, tests, and maintains computer applications software or systems to meet these needs. Jada engineers are skilled in a varying programming languages and create systems that function properly.
Telecommunication Services
JSI provides seamless voice, data, and video communication over wired and wireless networks, including landlines, VoIP, high-speed internet, and VPNs. We install routers, firewalls, and switches to ensure secure, reliable connectivity and support video conferencing, messaging, and mobile integration.
Design and
At JSI, our web designers, developers, and software architects have years of experience in developing websites from the ground up for increased functionality and a better user experience.
IT Operations
Personal computer hardware and software installation, maintenance, tuning and troubleshooting. Training in use of new and existing hardware and software. Consultation, purchase and building of custom computer configurations.
Network Security
Our team provides robust network security solutions to protect clients’ data and systems from cyber threats. Our services include firewalls, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS), encryption, VPNs, and secure access controls to ensure only authorized users can access critical information. With a focus on endpoint security and network monitoring, we safeguard against vulnerabilities and attacks, delivering customized, compliant security strategies for reliable, secure network operations.
Data collection, analytics
and visualization
Some of our areas of expertise are in knowledge and data management, configuration management, web development, and mobile app development.